25 Volunteer Application Form -


 CRESFEST 2025 April 4-6 

Thanks for taking the time to apply to become a member of the CRESFEST VOLUNTEER FAMILY, which enables this fantastic annual Folk and Roots Festival in country Victoria. The first 3 festivals were a great success and that was largely due to the volunteers who helped everything run so smoothly. Volunteers are expected to be available on average for 4 × 2hr shifts between Friday and Sunday evenings. We will respond to each applicant individually. Successful applicants will be given a free weekend pass to CresFest, which will enable access to all venues when you are not 'on duty'. Please email Neil at volunteers@cresfest.com.au if you have any questions.

About You

First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Would you like to join the CresFest mailing list? *
Mobile *
Building Name/ House Number *
Street Name *
City *
State *
Postcode *
Your usual home location is
Location *
Hepburn Shire
Ballarat area
Regional Victoria
Age *
65 plus
T-Shirt Size *

Your past experience of festivals and volunteering

Why would you like to volunteer?
Reason *
What experience have you had of festivals?
Experience *
Have you volunteered for us before?
Previous *
Previous volunteer duties
How did you hear about volunteering for us?
Hear about *
Other Social Media
Word of Mouth
If other to the above, please give details:
Role Preference 1 *
Role Preference 2 *
Role Preference 3 *

If, on top of the 4 x 2 hr shifts, you are able to support us further by helping with the festival set-up on Thursday and Friday and take-down on Monday and perhaps Tuesday, please select the times below.

Thu Set-up 10am-2pm
Fri Set-up 10am-2pm
Fri Afternoon 2-6pm
Mon Take-down 10am-2pm
Tue Take-down 10am-2pm
Are you an artist who has applied to perform at CresFest 2025?
Performer *
If you wish to be considered for shifts in the Kidzone, please upload your current Working with Children's Check.
Add another (Max 5)

Cresfest Volunteer Terms of Agreement

⭐ I agree to the general CresFest ethos of kindness and politeness at all times and am prepared to operate in that framework while carrying out my volunteer duties. To be more specific, I agree to treat all other volunteers and members of the public with respect at all times, not to make anyone feel uncomfortable, and not to behave in any way which could be construed as harassing or bullying. I realize that my engagement with CresFest will be terminated if I can't fulfil this requirement. Feeling safe at CresFest is a fundamental right for all.
⭐ I agree to carry out volunteer tasks of about 4 hours per day (or more, by negotiation). The average time commitment will be four 2 hour sessions between Friday and Sunday evening.
⭐ I agree to take part in volunteer training as required, which will involve at least attending one in-person four-hour maximum face-to-face volunteer induction on a Saturday in March, before the festival.
⭐ I agree to provide a responsible emergency contact with my application.
⭐ I agree to complete the tasks assigned to me by following written instructions or as directed by my Team Leader or the Volunteer Manager.
⭐ I agree to contact my Team Leader as early as possible if circumstances prevent my commencing a shift.
⭐ I agree that no financial payment will be made by CresFest for my services as a volunteer.
⭐ I agree to wear my Festival Volunteer T-shirt whilst on duty
⭐ I agree that not completing my shifts without ample notice or satisfactory reason could result in forfeiting my wristband entry pass. I may not be eligible for future applications to volunteer.
⭐ I agree not to consume or be under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs within my rostered hours.
⭐ I am over 18 years of age.
Please sign to agree to the volunteer terms and conditions

Review your signature

Draw your signature

The personal data supplied as part of this submission will be stored and processed by CresFest INC in order to facilitate your entry to and attendance at the Festival; for example printing your access tickets, arrivals information and delivery lists. The personal data you supply will never be sold to any third parties but may be shared with contractors providing services to the event. Your data will be retained for a maximum of 5 years before being securely deleted. The full Privacy Policy for the Festival, which explains the rights of data subjects in relation to the data they share with us can be found here: https://www.festivalpro.com/privacypolicy.html

Please be patient once you've clicked the SUBMIT button.

The data is sent immediately, but, depending on your connection, the response in your browser may be delayed. Clicking SUBMIT a second time will create another application.
You will receive a confirmation email immediately after submitting this form.